Last month BONI proudly sponsored the inaugural chapter of the Department of Gender Affairs’ Boys’ Mentorship Programme. The initiative by the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) aims to empower young Nevisians to make positive life choices that enable them to maximize their academic, social, and professional potential. The programme’s main tool for change is the one-to-one mentoring support which matches high school aged youth with a dedicated community volunteer.
Earlier this year, our VP of HR Agnola Hendrickson was appointed by Junior Minister of Health and Gender affairs Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams to represent BONI on the advisory board of the Boys’ Mentorship Programme to advance our joint mission of unlocking the next generation's potential.
We are extremely proud of our home here on these beautiful islands. Creating opportunities for the people of St. Kitts & Nevis, especially our talented young people, is central to our mission. We recognise that many young people enter the world of work unprepared for its challenges. They may find it difficult to access quality career information, practical industry experiences, and relatable role models.
That’s why in addition to supporting the Boys’ Mentorship Programme, we are also launching our own mentorship programme which pairs candidates with seasoned professionals who can guide, encourage, and support them to develop the skills that will set them apart from competition around the world.
At BONI, we want to inspire young people to take advantage of our islands’ unique position as a window to the world and pursue their dreams with unlimited ambition. We understand that by investing in our young people, we are investing in the future – and at BONI, we believe tomorrow’s future begins today.